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Cleopatra Farewell Gala

In celebration of Ballerina Regina Willoughby's retirement, the Cleopatra Farewell Gala was hosted in honor of her time with the Columbia City Ballet The gala took place immediately after her final performance of Cleopatra at the Koger Center.

Columbia City Ballet’s mission is to be a premier professional ballet company in the Southeast through the presentation of our art and expression to a constantly growing and diverse audience. Central to this mission are the following:

  • Having and growing a repertoire of the highest quality dance, including traditional works by the legendary masters and new works by current, vibrant choreographers;

  • Attracting, training and retaining a company of highly accomplished dancers;

  • Maintaining a regular schedule of performances in the region and touring opportunities throughout the nation;

  • Providing educational opportunities to regional companies through lectures, demonstration, open rehearsals and school performances

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